IISM and BGR Site Visit to Former Tin Mining Area in Singkep Island

Last October, 16-18, 2016,  Indonesia Institute of Sustainable Mining (IISM) represented by Rezki Syahrir together with the Federal Institute for Geosciene and Natural Resources (BGR) represented by Christoph Klein conducted a site visit to Singkep, Lingga Regency, and to Bintan, Bintan Regency, Province Riau islands . The visit came in the framework of research and comparative studies on the used land mining at the site. Read more

IISM and The German Embassy Work Program in Singkep Island

Since around three hundred years ago, Singkep island, which is located in the Lingga regency, Province of Riau Islands, had become one of the largest tin mine site in the world. However, as the mining activities undertaken by majority of local people and some mining companies have been closed, the former mining areas are left abandoned.

These abandoned land caused pollution and impact to environmental degradation. Eg, worsening soil structure and decreasing organic matter content of plants. Land degradation is increasingly inevitable. The ex-mining areas can no longer be used in agriculture and forestry activities, though actually these activities can support the people who live around the area. Read more

IISM Site Visit to PT Bukit Asam in Tanjung Enim

As an institution which concern on sustaibnability issues in mining industry, IISM collaborates with PT Bukit Asam (PTBA) for a community-based agro-industry development project. The project is located on PTBA’s former coal mining land in Tanjung Enim, Muara Enim, South Sumatra.

PTBA is a coal mining company with a great concern on environmental and social sustainability aspects. One of the company’s environmental and social programs is to develop an agro-industrial activity on their ex-mining site by optimally involving the community and local stakeholders. Based on the similarity in their vision, IISM and PTBA then agreed to conduct research cooperation on the program. As a first step, IISM will conduct a research and field trials program development for two years. Read more

After 6 months, Rehabilitation of Former Unconventional Tin Mine Site Looks Very Promising

Supported by the German Embassy in Jakarta, IISM developed a project of rehabilitation of former unconventional tin mining land using a method called BioRehab. The technique works environmentally friendly by optimizing the role of soil microorganisms with the aim to: neutralize the pH of the post-mining land, increase natural degradation processes rate, improve soil fertility and soil granular structure and rebuild soil productivity to lead to self-sustaining vegetative. Read more