Social Development

Social Development

empower individuals and groups of people with the skills they need to effect change within their communities. This involves changing the relationships between ordinary people and people in positions of power, so that everyone can take part in the issues that affect their lives. We work alongside people in communities to help build relationships with key people and organizations and to identify common concerns. We help to create opportunities for the community to learn new skills and, by enabling people to act together, let’s help people to foster social inclusion and equality.


Program terencana yang terfokus kepada kebutuhan-kebutuhan menyeluruh (total needs) dari masyarakat yang bersangkutan


Mendorong swadaya masyarakat


Adanya bantuan teknis dari pemerintah maupun badan-badan swasta atau organisasi-organisasi sukarela, yang meliputi tenaga personil, peralatan, bahan ataupun dana


Mempersatukan berbagai spesialisasi seperti pertanian, peternakan, kesehatan masyarakat, pendidikan, kesejahteraan keluarga, kewanitaan, kepemudaan, dll untuk membantu masyarakat.

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